I managed to see quite a bit of the eclipse this morning, despite the clouds. My children and I observed it from the balcony at the front of our house using a pin-hole camera made out of a cardboard washing powder box. We called it the HGT. The HGT - Hubble …
There will be a partial solar eclipse on Friday 20 March 2015. A solar eclipse is when the Moon moves in front of the Sun and blocks out its light. A total eclipse is where the entire bright disk of the Sun (called the photosphere) is covered. By a strange …
I've been meaning to write a post on how I maintain this blog, and prompted by this request, I've finally made time to do it. Pelican I use a static site generator called Pelican. This entails me writing my blog posts as plain old text files, formatted using markdown, and …
Government spending? I don't know what it's all about. I don't know any more about this thing than an economist does, and, God knows, he doesn't know much. -- The Best of Will Rogers The UK will have a general election in May 2015 and a crucial issue is how the …
I've written a novel and I'm in the final stages of revising it. Reading it on the computer screen was acceptable in the first few reviewing passes, but now I feel the need to read it as I read many books - on my phone. Not only does this give me …
It's two months since Scotland held its referendum and so I thought I'd collect together some data I was looking at back then. I didn't write it up at the time because I'd become a little weary of the whole subject, but now the time feels right for a retrospective …
This is the third post in this series on the UK in recession. This time I'll look at how the deficit (described in my last post) leads to borrowing (PSNB ex) and debt (PSND ex). Unfortunately this means I have to start off with rather dry and possibly boring definitions …
rother Cadfael is a fictional Benedictine monk created by the author Ellis Peters who served as a Herbalist at Shrewsbury Abbey in 12th century England. Against the historical backdrop of "The Anarchy" - a civil war between King Stephen and the Empress Maude - Cadfael operated as a detective who solved many …
This is the second post in the series. I'll pick up where I left of at the end of the last post and investigate the deficit and how it relates to public sector spending and income in the time period of interest, from 1997 to 2014. As before, I'll concentrate …
Poor analogies, partial information, misunderstandings, oversimplifications and outright lies seem to be too common in any political discussion. I'm not just talking about partisan politicians and the media, but also discussion in online social media and in real life. Such misconceptions are especially troubling concerning the great recession of 2008 …
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