Fesenjun - pestle & mortar and saffron to the left. When I was a wee boy, probably about the age my son is now (7), I remember being confronted by a dish that my aunt had made at her home in London. "That's mud, isn't it?" I said, without meaning to be …
I've now completed reading book III of The General Theory by John Maynard Keynes. I previously wrote about my thoughts on books I and II. The title of book III is "The propensity to consume" and it is composed of three chapters. Probably the most important statement made in this …
It was my fortieth birthday recently and I was glad to be presented with many books. Amongst them, courtesy of my father, were The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith and The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes. I decided to start reading the latter …
Yesterday I received my first eye injection to treat the condition that has developed with the retina in my left eye. I can't say I relished the prospect of someone sticking a needle in my eye and squirting liquid into it, but then again, I was nowhere near as aghast …
Sometimes you notice a small thing that turns out to have much larger implications. So it happened last week. I noticed that the lines along the top of a spreadsheet seemed to bend, just slightly and only for a fraction of a second as I shifted my gaze - but I …
Go into the "cloud", use the "cloud", harness the power of the "cloud", "cloud" computing, "cloud" this, "cloud" that... blah blah blah. Of course, the word has some meaning, but it has been so abused, misused and used to confuse that I now find it irksome. But there are more …
My RPi now has a new home - a lego case. I tried to convince my 7 year old son to build it, but he felt playing minecraft and ace of spaces on the computer was more important, so I rummaged through his lego collection and constructed what you see below …
After waiting a couple of months, my raspberry pi finally arrived the other day. For those of you that don't know, it is a ludicrously cheap ($35 or £25) computer that is sold as a bare board with a few connectors on it. In contrast to the out-of-the-box shininess that …
Last Saturday I helped out a science fair at my son's school called Science Rocks. It was a fantastic event and I thoroughly enjoyed it and it's clear that it entertained, educated and inspired all who attended. So much so, that I spent my Sunday afternoon searching a nearby park …
During the peaceful days between Christmas and New Year, I set myself the task of learning how to use the low-level graphics library SDL. My interest was piqued by playing a few games that have used SDL to good effect to cross platforms, especially to work smoothly on linux distributions …
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