Stars - Observations
Andrew Conway
Dots of light
What can we ask about a dot of light?
- How bright is it?
- Does it move?
- What colour is it?
- How small is the dot?
Apparent magnitude
- 'apparent' is used because this is how bright the star appears in the sky.
- 'magnitude' by itself usually means apparent magnitude.
- Stars of magnitude 1 are among the brightest.
- Stars of magnitude 6 are barely visible to the naked eye.
- Very bright objects can have negative magnitude.
- Objects can have fractional magnitudes, e.g. 1.75
The Winter Hexagon
Source: Jomegat Copyright - see source.
Rigel and Capella
- Both stars are magnitude 0.1.
- Are they two similar stars at the same distance?
- Or is one more luminous but further away?
Parallax and stars
Source: Wikipedia Public domain
Measuring parallax
- View a star on a particular date.
- Record its position - RA and declination.
- Repeat 6 months later when Earth is at the other side of its orbit.
- Record its position again.
- Calculate the angle between the old and new positions - this is the parallax.
Degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds
- 1° is 60' or 60 arcminutes
- 1' is 60" or 60 arcseconds
- 1 mas is a milli-arcsecond or 0.001"
- The Moon is about 30' in diameter.
- Mars at opposition (when closest) is 25" in diameter.
- Betelgeuse is approx. 0.05" in diameter.
Parallax and distance
- 1 parsec (or pc) is defined to be a distance of parallax 1"
- 1 pc = 3.26 light years
- distance (in pc) = 1 / parallax (in arcseconds)
- distance (in ly) = 3.26 × distance (in pc)
Distance to Capella
- Capella has a parallax of 77.3 mas = 0.0773"
- So it's at a distance of 1/0.0773 = 12.9 pc
- Which is 12.9 × 3.26 = 42 ly
Distance to Rigel
- Rigel has a parallax of 3.78 mas = 0.00378"
- So it's at a distance of 1/0.00378 = 265 pc
- Which is 265 × 3.26 = 864 ly
Inverse square law
- A light source at double the distance is 22=4 times dimmer.
- At triple the distance it's 32=9 times dimmer.
- If the distance is x times larger, then it's x2 times dimmer.
Inverse square law - diagram
Source: Borb CC-BY SA 2.5
You can understand the inverse square law by realising that light from a point source spreads out over larger areas.
Luminosity: Rigel vs Capella
- Rigel is 864/42 = 20.6 times further away than Capella.
- So Capella must be 20.62=424 times dimmer than Rigel.
- This means that Rigel must be 424 times more luminous than Capella.
- Luminosity has a precise meaning.
- Luminosity is the rate at which an object emits energy as light
- For example, the luminosity of a 100 W light bulb is... 100 W
- The watt is a unit of power.
- Power is a rate of energy.
- Luminosity a property of the star itself, independent of distance
Absolute magnitude
- Absolute magnitude is another way to quantify the intrinsic brightness of a star.
- Absolute magnitude is the magnitude a star would have at a standard distance.
- The standard distance is 10 pc or 32.6 ly.
- Only a few stars are this close.
Sun |
-26.7 |
0.000016 |
4.8 |
1 |
Sirius |
-1.4 |
8.6 |
1.5 |
22.5 |
Arcturus |
-0.1 |
36.7 |
0.3 |
114 |
Vega |
0.0 |
25.3 |
0.6 |
50.1 |
Spica |
1.0 |
262.1 |
-3.6 |
2250 |
Barnard's Star |
9.5 |
5.9 |
13.2 |
0.00043 |
Proxima Centauri |
11.0 |
4.2 |
15.5 |
0.000056 |
Colours of stars
Source: Mouser CC-BY SA 3.0
- Betelgeuse is tinged red. Rigel is blue-ish.
- Not very scientific...
Colour index
- Use a blue filter in the telescope, measure magnitude - call it B
- Use a filter in middle of visible spectrum, measure magnitude - call it V
- The difference B-V is called the colour index.
- If B is less than V, the star is brighter in the blue.
- So a blue star has a negative colour index.
- And a red star has a positive colour index.
Absolute magnitude and colour index
- We have the absolute magnitude for stars.
- And the B-V colour index for those stars
- How are they related?
- Let's plot them...