A.N. Author


In the beginning something fascinating happened that makes you want to read on.

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night and the protagonist's socks filled inexorably with goblins. He writhed and struck at them but they evaded and entered his trousers. A chill ran down his spine and the foul creatures sped up his legs threatening to meet at the worst of all places.


Gertrude the Goblin-Killer strode over the heathery mountain top brandishing Flindle-Axe. Sensing the peril her lover was in she emitted a shrill cry that arrested all goblins, near or far.

"Goblins - I will have at you."

Chapter 2

Gertrude killed the goblins with Flindle-Axe before they could gnaw at her lover's nether regions. They threw themselves together and kissed passionately and a respectful spirit snuffed out the torch on the wall as they embraced more deeply.